Our farm was featured in the Country World News in 2008. Click link below
to view story.

Email us:
TejasBarbadoRanch at Yahoo dot Com
an effort to stop SPAM, email above has been altered. Just replace (at) and (dot) with their respective symbols.

Information: It is essential that you find a reliable veterinarian that is knowledgeable about Goat & Sheep
care. It is also very helpful to have a mentor or "goat friend" that you can call with questions.
know that both Goats & Sheep are herd animals. You will need to keep at least 2 for them to be happy and well adjusted.
**We do not recommend
that you purchase goats from any auction. MANY of the animals at auctions are sick, and some are sick enough that
they will not live to see another week and infect any healthy animals while at the sale.
The stress of being placed in the auction,
overcrowding, rough handling and contagious illnesses all lead to this. Our advice STAY AWAY from livestock auctions all
Instead look for a knowledgeable breeder who will
be there to give you support after you take your goats home, as we do.
It doesn't matter how many animals a breeder
keeps, a larger breeder does not necessarily mean a better one. Ask local livestock veterinarians or even farm
stores for a reference to find a good breeder.
Please Read!!
The material
and information on this website, including any merchandise, information or service provided through this website, is provided
"as is" with all faults and without warranty of any kind from Tejas Barbado Ranch, nor it's agents, expressed or implied.
In no event shall Tejas Barbado Ranch, or it's agents, be liable for any direct damages, special, incidental or
consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages arising from the use or inability to use this website, even if Tejas
Barbado Ranch, or it's agents, has been informed of the possibility thereof.concerning the health or conditions of animals
who leave my farm. Acceptance of animal by the purchaser is acceptance of the animals health & condition at the time of
sale. The animals are healthy when they leave and a strict vacination and worming schedule has been followed. Tejas Barbado
Ranch is not ,and will not be, responsible for any animal after it leaves this farm. All sales are final.
All pictures on this website are the property of Tejas
Ranch and should not be republished, printed or used without owners expressed, written permission!!
SPAM Help Links
Moon Spots in Goats
Tejas Definition:
Natoila he' or Howdy,
Some people ask what does the word Tejas mean;
I often find my self explaining such as the word, and I look at how it after all of these times centuries in fact that
it captures what I really mean here, that I am your friend, an allie, I take to heart this meaning for some of the basic culture
we share is that of farming and ranching,
Thus by Definition:
Tejas is not only my statement to you but: Tejas is
The Name of a First Peoples Nations, that of the first people of Texas, A First Peoples Nation,
A Name, and word caring special meaning from which the State of Texas obtains its name and Motto from.
The word "Tejas" is pronounced ("TAY- Haus"), comes from Teysha, a word in the Native American Caddo,
Hasinai, Atakapa Indian language, which basically means "friends" and/ or "allies".
Tejas is the root word from where the State of Texas obtains its own name from; thus the Tejas Indians are the Namesake
of the State.
Tejas, The first people of Texas, The Spanish called and French called them Tejas, For It is the patriarchal name of that
of the first chief of these original/first peoples which belonged to a complex Confederacies of Nations actually 3 different
Tribal Confederated Nations in what a small part of that confederacy is now the State of Texas.
The Tejas people are the patriarchs of the state, its guardians, the originators of many traditions in culture which we
Texans enjoy today.
As thus Tejas is where Texas her roots, begin, that which the people of Tejas and now Texas are known for their/ our collective
culture and Hospitality.
Texas has received its many deep seeded roots, traditions, and of course its name from these first peoples.
In closing I thank you for you visitation and do so in advance for your visit, I welcome you to come to the Ranch until
then, Sahnoan me shy, (keep in good health) and I, we, will look forward to your return,
Thank you
"Remember that, you are your Brothers' Keeper"
~Chief Blackjack-Tejas Indians
If anyone has any info on the Chief or how to get in touch with the Tejas Tribe, please contact us.
We hope you come and visit our farm. New animals come
quickly so visit our site often.
look today by making an apointment by phone! Thanks!!
For information about the Tejas tribe, please contact the Caddo Nation: https://mycaddonation.com/. The Tejas are ancestors
of the Caddo.
Tejas Ranch Est. 2004
All Sales Cash ONLY, please