If you
eat… you need to stop NAIS
Our Food Supply – Stop NAIS!
The National Animal Identification
System (NAIS) poses the greatest threat to local and sustainable agriculture since the Nixon administration. NAIS was originally
designed to give huge corporations help with export markets. It will not stop animal disease or improve food safety. NAIS
will only enrich the corporations that already control most of our food supply. ....
Under NAIS every single livestock
animal in the ....United States.... will be identified and tagged. All livestock animal movements will be tracked, logged
and reported to the government. Big factory confinement farms are allowed to use a single ID for thousands of animals. Small
farmers, pet owners, and homesteaders will have to tag and track every single animal, in most cases using electronic ID.....
There are *NO* exceptions - even
small farms that sell direct to local consumers will be required to pay the fees and file all the paper work on all their
animals. The USDA has not done a cost-benefit analysis. Based on estimates from ..Australia.. and ....England...., NAIS could
cost anywhere from $30-$69 per animal on average. The costs include the tags, the labor and equipment needed to tag each animal
and file reports of the movements within 24 hours, and the massive databases needed to track over 100 million animals. Factory
farms can use group ID to avoid many of the costs, while small farmers could face even higher costs.
Those who refuse to cooperate with
NAIS will be subject to heavy fines or even criminal penalties. NAIS is not legislation but a program designed by USDA bureaucrats
with the help of businessmen and manufacturers of ID tags.
The Solution: The Obama Administration
should direct the new USDA Undersecretary of Marketing and Regulatory Programs to stop implementing NAIS. This action would
have tremendous positive impacts on small farmers and poor communities across the country, as well as promoting environmental
and human health by supporting the local, sustainable agriculture movement.
Protect our food supply, please stop
NAIS! ....
This program would put small farms out
of business. Then we would be forced us to consume meat, milk, and eggs from sick animals. The animals on industrial farms
are sick with salmonella, e-coli, etc. I want food from healthy animals, i.e. small farms.
The people who developed this scheme should
all be fired and prevented from holding further public office or employment.
I can't imagine a more ludicrous system
created by bureaucrats. This system won't work as it's imagined, and it will increase the cost of foods coming from
small farms.
It's not going to improve the quality of
the food, but it WILL saddle the small farmer with extra, un-necessary costs. Folks that buy food directly from their farmer,
and the number is growing daily, don't need NAIS.
NAIS would be devastating to family farms,
and pet owners. We do not need big government making yet another mess, and serving only big AG.NAIS would not help with disease
control, eliminating factory farming would help control disease and healthful practices such as not feeding live animals,
dead animals.
NAIS is no problem to big agriculture,
which can register a herd, not individual animals. NAIS is a big problem to the
small farmer, who must individually register each animal. We need to be encouraging
small farmers and those who can supply locally grown food, not making their task difficult by imposing NAIS on them. Another
attempt by Big Agra to wipe out small farmers. It's only because they know that consumers are getting smarter and want organic,
locally grown and raised products.
We need to Support your local businesses!
I say NO to NAIS. The reasons have been well articulated by many others above