Welcome to Tejas Ranch!


Jahonna Lena Looper

After researching the matter, I have concluded that websites with common interest can improve both sites rankings by placing reciprocal links on each others sites.
If you have a farm related website and would like to exchange links with us,  select any banner below, add it to your site, link it to my site and email me with the banners location along with your URL or banner and we will gladly exchange links.

Your site must NOT:

  • Contain any pornographic, X-Rated, or adult-only oriented material
  • Be suitable for general audience viewing
  • Violate any known law or statute


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We hope you come and visit our farm. New animals come quickly so visit our site often.

Come look today by making  an apointment by phone! Thanks!!

Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Qweensboro is the Company we use for all our apparel and embrodery. They have an Unconditional 10-Year Guarantee on All their products and a low 4 item minimum!  Click the banner above to check them out.

For information about the Tejas tribe, please contact the Caddo Nation: https://mycaddonation.com/. The Tejas are ancestors of the Caddo.

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Tejas Ranch Est. 2004
All Sales Cash ONLY, please